Today I'd like to talk about "the real-time web". In computing, real-time can mean a lot of different things, but usually it means that a given task will be achieved in a consistent amount of time and that the total time will be imperceptible to the end-user
See if any of these sound familiar: Check out the Information Governance Reference Model (IGRM) and see if I can use it as a “change initiator” to help garner support for my initiatives Search for “Chief Information Governance Official” to see if anyone has that title (FYI – initial search results were negative) Explicitly identify “Design Principles” in SharePoint Governance Model Build list of SUCCESSES (to go along with list of the “current projects list”) so that at the very least, I am reminded of what has been accomplished Halloween Public Relations Opportunity – create “Hall of Horrors” with information governance knowledge contests and prizes and examples of “records horrors” Create physical presence for the program in a high traffic area with visuals that show what we are working on and be prepared for resulting “drop in conversations” Connect with other Minnesotans I met at the event via LinkedIn Check out the Privacy by Design Standard/Guideline/Principle Clean up emails Take the Organization DNA Profiler survey at: Start watching the Certified Information Professional Training Videos and prepare to take the test (using the free voucher I got by attending the Boot Camp) Do laundry It seems like every time I go to a conference, I come back with new information that has me wanting to try something new or different at work
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So what do you think folks ... time to stand out and go paperless?
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