Yet strangely, sometimes when we need him, we can’t find him. You’d think it would be hard to hide an elephant, but we lose him a lot
Believe it or not, you can save the environment and your money at the exact same time
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Because is there is still no better method to edit a document than to print it out, find a quiet spot, and, pen in hand, read the document aloud
Instead of using FedEx to send out contracts, reports and other sensitive documents, you can now save a bundle by doing it all electronically
) is discussing paper and why we’re all continuing to produce so much of it. There are comments about the advantages of paper and how tablets are now matching more and more of them, including portability, readability, and universal access
With technology modifying almost daily, it is difficult to follow the good that a lot of it is doing on the environment
When we first started a records management initiative 15 years ago, it was all about scanning account agreements and storing statements & green bar reports from our core processing system. Five years later we had two separate, relatively specialized document management systems, the original still holding the same types of documents, and a second system for reports from a mortgage system. When we decided it was time to evaluate options for yet another system to store scanned loan files, we seemed to be on the road to creating a network of document imaging systems
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