Once a Content Management System has been installed, the next phase is to decide what area(s) within the department to begin the utilization phase and what project(s) to start with
Coffee cups hold tremendous insight into information management (besides holding my favorite beverage)
It is well known that the primary reason ECM and records management implementations fail is because of change management issues. This seems to happen even if a significant change management effort is made - but why?
I believe there is validity to Geoffrey Moore’s notion that content management is moving away from “systems of record” and toward “systems of engagement
For many organizations, lifecycle management of content is an important capability to address compliance and litigation concerns
Thinking about moving to the cloud or establishing a cloud information management system can be both exciting and nerve racking
What is the key difference between Mobile Content Management & “normal” Content Management?
I’d recommend that before you go down the road of building a platform from scratch, consider the software packages that have already been built, tested and supported. 5 reasons you should consider a traditional document management system before starting your in-house SharePoint implementation. 1
Join Dan Antion on April 2 at 2 in Orlando for AIIM 2014 as he talks about how content management should find and emphasize the value in business documents
However, the fact that the social software vendors and the ECM vendors meet yet again at the Enterprise 2.0 Show makes me wonder about an interesting question: Is content management a feature of collaboration or is collaboration a feature of content management? While this may sound like the chicken or egg question, there is a fundamental difference in what the answer means. A content management system is always primarily focused on content and collaboration and (just like its structured cousin workflow) is usually used to help teams to work with content
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