When there were no easy or cost-effective alternatives, wet signatures, along with their issues, was the way to go
Like a pen and ink signature (a “wet signature”), a digital signature cannot be remotely controlled
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Since I work with electronic forms daily, one of the main questions that is asked by our customers is "what about the physical paper signature?". Since going paperless means not making paper, here are 8 reasons why you should abandon paper signatures forever. 1. The law...
The beginning of my career in ECM and content capture involved helping organizations “go paperless.” You all know the phrase, right? Many of the other bloggers worked with me on projects as vendors, partners, and friends to help people navigate the paperless journey. But no one...
1 Comment - Do we still need a wet signature in SA? I'm from SA and would like to implement a paperless office
But a key step, the wet signature—which came into wide-spread use during the Renaissance, with its rise in literacy —has often remained the same
In these cases, though - unless hard-copy or a “wet signature” is prescribed by law - I suggest conducting a cost-benefit analysis to compare electronic with hard-copy record-keeping and provision
If you think you still need a “wet" signature on everything, this webinar will mconvince you otherwise
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In my non-legal opinion, these acts establish the equivalency between digital and hard-copy records unless there is a law - or other legitimate requirement – mandating hard copy (e.g., wet signatures). Put simply, digital records are permitted instead of hard-copy unless specifically prohibited
Related to that is implementing digital signatures to reduce the lag time that is caused by waiting for a wet signature. An electronic records manager should regularly ask the question, what bottlenecks does my organization have and how can the flow of information be used to reduce wait times so that less time is wasted and more money is made
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