Many clients engage us to help them focus on a simple objective: “We need a single repository for all of our documents...Consolidate all content into a single repository: This would be ideal, but often the migration costs can be overwhelming
In this AIIM 2013 Q&A, Lance Shaw talks about the need to consolidate information as much as possible. One tip, try to consolidate on as few products as possible moving forward. Plus, if you’re not paying attention to classification; you’re content is never going to be effective as it could ...
Many of us have been saying that ECM has been changing over the years, especially the concept of a single repository. Forrester has been looking at ECM in two flavors of Content Services “ Business ” and “ Transactional ” for at least two years
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The seduction of a single repository to house all reference and process-based materials
Back in March I was already telling the ECM industry that they were not alone. I was researching a trend where I thought vendors were emerging that offered out-of-the-box back office content solutions that were being sold directly to business users. I expected to find a few examples in each...
2 Comments - I know that most of the traditional vendors go well into the tens of billions of objects in a single repository. This is something that these new CLM vendors are not even considering
Most ECM systems can also provide seamless integration with your line of business applications like ERP or other BPM solutions to ensure single repository for all your contents and save on costs
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