In a recentsurvey of the FTSE 100 (Financial Times Stock Exchange, London) which indicates that 88% of the FTSE 100 are at risk of litigation due to their susceptibility to a number of risk factors, including a history of litigation, operating in litigation-heavy areas, and being directly consumer-facing with almost a quarter (24%) found to be ‘high risk’ across industries including energy, travel and pharmaceutical. The research assessed each FTSE 100 company’s vulnerability to ten key risk factors¹, a mix of industry and company-specific considerations previously known to heighten the chance of litigation, and then each company was given a score out of ten
Not only is the paper costly to maintain, it is also a risk factor in relation to patient privacy
Costs increase if litigation is a risk factor; from , DuPont spent $11,961,000 in unnecessary costs in legal discovery for 9 legal cases because 50% of the responsive records were past retention period and could have been destroyed The cons provide compelling reasons to stop hoarding information yet most organizations continue to keep everything indefinitely
Recent market research assessing the FTSE 100 companies’ vulnerability to ten key risk factors indicates that 88% of the FTSE 100 is at risk of litigation
Responses to queries are no longer search results but "lowest price points" and "top domain experts" and "trending risk factors" that could sideline our own release dates
Dealing with incremental document collections (e.g. new documents are added after training) will result in lower quality or require completely new training of the machine learning. Several risk factors are listed here, but there are more depending on the specific machine learning technology that is used: technology that is based on Bayes classifiers (falsely) presumes statistical independence between measured features (e.g. word occurrences) and Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) and its variants such as Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (PLSA) effectively use a lossy information compression algorithm (SVD) that may result in more (irreversible) information loss than required
Landers: The move to the cloud does not change information governance requirements, but it does transform the risk factors and will increasingly challenge IT creativity in developing new strategies and mechanisms for policy compliance and enforcement
“Boutique” SharePoint Firms (like EPC Group), at the top of their game, are not always ok with sharing their proprietary methodologies with the big “7” government contractors…. something to think about and to weigh the risk factors. Why would a private firm (such as EPC Group or other respected SharePoint firms), share their time tested, “in the trenches” methodologies with an approved (massive) government contractor, who has the larger $250-500 million dollar Task Order and who can add a minuscule “SharePoint Task Order” to the overall effort (under generic verbiage) to win and staff \ deliver a project of 100-500k and risk that Big 7 firm, from turning and reverse engineering, that methodology to their own benefit
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