In our consulting practice, we do not require ECRM system users to understand complex records retention schedules (RRS) in order to achieve records management compliance. Instead we embed the retention rules in the ECRM tools. ECRM users identify the content type, and a retention rule is mapped...
Todd Johnson, CRM, recently queried the RM Listserv, " In developing our retention schedule, I'm coming across multiple instances where the business need to retain certain records exceeds the compliance retention requirements by many, many years (i.e. 3 years v. Permanent) ... what are...
Change from a narrow definition of records management to retention management for all information Retention management requires defining retention rules for the various types of information and applies to all information. The goal is to apply the rules at the point of creation/receipt or information classification, so they can follow the information throughout its lifecycle. Retention management rules can be assigned manually or via automated systems or workflows
Implementing retention management in technology tools is still a significant challenge, and most organizations default to keeping everything that’s not deleted by the organization’s employees on an ad hoc basis
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The big missing answer with respect to the Cloud is the governance issue - how do you enforce Records Management policy if your Cloud app does not have a mature RM solution? Simple retention management is not sufficient
Because you know what’s wrong with retention management? Nothing
This enhances the value of the platform tremendously, giving organizations the ability to repurpose the information in any conceivable way to support their business. Retention Management - what can be done if particular discussion threads are not accessed for more than X amount of time
This type of system can be tailored and developed from Day 1 to begin working on instant document imaging and retention management. through the Client Sever Solution, the user has full control over the server allowing you to maintain and work with all aspects of the system
A more holistic picture of retention management then is to simplify retention schedules at the beginning of the retention schedule update/refresh cycle and to refine the retention categories to suit roles, business processes, and workflows during implementation of the updated retention schedule
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