Zarkout has over 20 year experience in Information Governance solutions, including Records Management, eDiscovery, Regulatory Compliance, Privacy, and Audit Trail Management
Records management issues around the content created in social applications are getting a lot of attention these days. My previous post dealt with the retention of social content – content that, as I noted before, eventually becomes part of an organization’s electronically stored information ...
Previous posts: SharePoint Governance: Putting Your Plan into Action ) According to Merriam Webster the dictionary definition of compliance is as follows: The act or process of complying to a desire, demand, proposal, or regimen, or to coercion Conformity in fulfilling official requirements A disposition to yield to others The ability of an object to yield elastically when a force is applied While regulatory compliance for businesses around the world most clearly falls under the second definition, there are many records managers, general councils, and policy officers that would nod their heads in agreement at any of the other definitions as well
The same applies to GOV2.0 solutions for governmental organizations, which except for some regulatory compliance issues are similar in nature...Will E2.0 introduction create new legal and regulatory compliance issues?
One way an organization can be reasonably sure that it is in full compliance is by operating a good records management program which takes responsibility for regulatory compliance
Having plant maintenance hierarchy and associated content – such as images of failed components – available from a single interface can cause the epiphany moment that makes you change the required lubrication frequency of a machine, thus extending the component’s run life Accessing historical vibration analysis results allows you to replace a bearing before it fails, ensuring a shorter, planned outage rather than a lengthy, unplanned repair that might also cause collateral damage A big-data strategy that integrates all relevant content with your plant operations means you can: Enhance internal and external collaboration around plant maintenance Improve equipment reliability Reduce outages and costs due to a simplified process for collecting, storing, and retrieving maintenance information Improve failure analysis and reporting Increase regulatory compliance and reduce legal exposure through better records management, traceability, and auditability #information governance #Collaboration #ECM #BigData #EnterpriseContentManagement #PlantMaintenance #InformationGovernance #ElectronicRecordsManagement #EnterpriseAssetManagement
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Issues such as “when is an information exchange material enough” to be formally recorded as a record to satisfy regulatory compliance and for the purpose of later eDiscovery and Freedom of Information Act scrutiny were and in most cases I have seen today is not being addressed adequately
Some knew they were for regulatory compliance. What nobody knew was why the regulatory authority had such regulations
We are changing our internal collaboration paradigm (sorry for using this word again) from a structured to an unstructured model -- but I believe that we'll ultimately need to have more of a hub-and-spoke model, with vast social collaboration hubs or networks that can plug into, or access information within numerous content spokes, each with varying regulatory, compliance, and permissions-based controls
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Legal and compliance officers want to assure information quality, ensure regulatory compliance, and improve preparedness for e-discovery Records and information professionals want to manage information over its lifecycle according to value The AIIM Information Certification target market will be people tasked with planning and supporting the new environments, whether within a department, across departmental boundaries, or throughout the extended enterprise
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