The same has been said about Records Managers and the systems that Records Managers maintain...I’m suggesting that IT DOES MATTER and that Records Managers ARE Important
Let’s automate everything we can get our hands on and make records management across our organizations as unobtrusive as possible. We’re Records Managers Titles matter
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When organizations ask us to help them find a Records Manager, we start by providing them with a set of qualifications the candidate should have
(Just Like) Starting Over. I cannot determine if it’s my eternal optimism rearing its ugly head, the state of the economy bouncing back, or my new, fresh work on the horizon, but I’m thinking all things are possible these days. I cannot help myself. The world feels like a...
* When it comes to reference materials, if an information governance worker takes off their records manager hat and puts on a knowledge manager hat they can take major strides in bringing peace to content chaos
With electronic records being everywhere, it is hard to pinpoint who exactly is the records manager. I'd like to propose that it is more important that we move away from the title of records manager and instead use the term information (if you are sentimental you can say "records") governance officer (I would say governor, but that sounds too much like an elected office)
As a result, records managers and content managers are converging on a similar set of approaches
Bryant Duhon and I have begun an informal list of non-records books for records managers. The scope is indeterminate at this time (translation: we have a lot of freedom)
I finished recently Tracy Kidder’s “Soul of a New Machine”. As I read it, I thought a lot about the first time I heard the Benny Goodman Trio’s 1935 recording of “Body and Soul” (Benny Goodman with the incomparable Teddy Wilson and the-creature-who-loved...
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What every Records Manager needs to know about SharePoint, but was afraid to ask!
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