” From the legal point of view voiced by John Isaza, obstacles to electronic record disposition are the exception and not the rule
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Section A: Require Electronic Recordkeeping to Ensure Transparency, Efficiency, and Accountability Al Revise NARA transfer guidance for permanent electronic records A2 Create new email guidance A3 Investigate and stimulate applied research in automated technologies to reduce the burden of records management responsibilities A4 Embed records management requirements into cloud architectures and other Federal IT systems and commercially-available products A5 Evaluate the feasibility for secure "data at rest" storage and management services for Federal agency-owned electronic records Section B: Create a Robust Records Management Framework that Demonstrates Compliance with Federal Statutes and Regulations and Promotes Partnerships B1 The Archivist of the United States will convene the first of periodic meetings of all Senior Agency Officials B2 Create a Community of Interest to solve records management challenges B3 Establish a formal records management occupational series B4 Continue to improve the effectiveness of Federal records management programs through analytical tools and enhanced NARA oversight Section C: Improve NARA Processes to Serve Agency Needs C1 Improve the Current Request for Records Disposition Authority Process C2 Overhaul the General Records Schedules #InformationGovernance #Collaboration #RM #ElectronicRecordsManagement #BusinessProcessManagement #ScanningandCapture #Records-Management
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For you Star Trek fans out there, defensible records disposition is the Prime Directive of our profession
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(n = 37) Q8 Collaboration 30%; RM/Business Unit/Owner 16% These findings suggest that to make records disposition/deletion efficient and effective in enterprise content and records management systems, we need the ability to generate a workflow to enable a collaborative approval process
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Make sure to consult your legal team here, in order to satisfy requirements around discovery/eDiscovery, document access, and evidentiary eligibility. Records disposition: Does your current system allow for the disposition of records, regardless of format?
Regards, Susan The opinions expressed above are those of the author and not necessarily those of her employer or AIIM #records #management" #e-discovery #Collaboration #destruction #"trustworthy #Capture #records" #content #"e-mail" #retention #ElectronicRecordsManagement #disposition #requirements #"social #media" #"records #management" #InformationGovernance #metadata #"content #"electronic #management" #AIIM12 #Retention #IntelligentInformationManagement #eDiscovery #EmailManagement #TaxonomyandMetadata #AIIM2012 #Records #Disposition #Content #Destruction
Let’s accept that a well-documented, fully audited automated disposition process is a perfectly acceptable (and, indeed, possibly the only) way to manage electronic records disposition. Let’s promote realistic retention requirements that are based on business needs and state-of-the-art technology, not on how we once managed paper records
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(For example, a paper record due for destruction on June 3 rd , one due for destruction on June 17 th and one due for destruction on June 25 th would all have Cutoff Dates of June 30 th , would all be put into the same folder and all destroyed during the scheduled monthly records disposition process.)
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