For most people, the fact they have to trade a weekend of fun for a boring sorting routine is enough to indefinitely put the basement/attic work on the back burner, until it becomes absolutely necessary. Process optimization, in this case, would require that instead of dumping stuff into the basement without any regard for reason or organization – or any future need, for that matter –there has to be a specific place (like a neatly labeled box in a particular spot) for everything, so getting back to anything doesn’t have to be a pain
This can not only avoid creating duplicate and incompatible components, but it also permits true business process optimization. It also means looking at how people interact with the solution, not just the technology
Quantitatively managed Optimizing - process management includes deliberate process optimization/improvement
Gartner, and now much of the industry, use the so-called "3Vs" model to classify Big Data: "Big data is high Volume, high Velocity, and/or high Variety information assets that require new forms of processing to enable enhanced decision making, insight discovery and process optimization." Obviously, this described exactly the type of data investigators have to deal with today
If so, then process optimization for how that work will be done to accommodate team members with the best possible tools will increase the chance of success
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