We wanted to conduct this survey about mobile collaboration because many of the businesses we speak with are grappling with how to fully support their mobile workers so they can effectively collaborate anywhere, anytime, with anyone (and often on any device!)
The integration of OCR and capture into tablet apps has the potential to make these devices infinitely more useful in enterprise environments, creating a significant opportunity to innovate how mobile workers do business
According to analyst house IDC, the number of mobile workers accessing enterprise systems globally will hit 1.2 billion by 2013
Furthermore, Telsyte research found that 84% of organizations surveyed have set the stage for implementation of mobile policies by providing ICT and processes for mobile workers. Certainly, mobility can lead to substantial simplification of critical processes, especially in the domain of CRM, HR and similar areas
When capture is pushed to the front office to support branch operations or even mobile workers, it often involves casual users
The key point here is that if you are to move to a more mobile working environment, the applications used must support the mobile worker through accessibility and usability
Accessibility – One of the biggest challenges with mobile workers is having access to the necessary documents.
According to analyst house IDC, the number of mobile workers will hit 1.2 billion by 2013
If we combine that new user with the need to still capture and process paper, we see a growing demand for deploying capture closer to these workers whether it is in a regional or branch office, or even a mobile worker. Businesses want to enable these workers to get their job more effectively
John Mancini, President, AIIM Tuesday, March 20. 3:00 PM Click here for details about John’s keynote Duhon: As mobile workers use personal and/or company-provided online collaboration tools to access documents for work (Evernote, Box, SpringCM, Google, Huddle, etc.) are we replicating the shared drive problem, just “in the cloud”?
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