As part of a recent discussion over on we have been discussing how to use SharePoint to manage your internal communications. As it turns out there are a lot of features available to you. The list below was created on and was called '10 (+1) ways to use SharePoint for Internal Communications'. Let me know if you know of others you use. 1
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What is the intersection between new, social technologies and the established practice of internal communications? Why discuss technology with internal communications people? I will be speaking to a group of internal communications practitioners here in Seattle next week, so these questions are on my mind
Regular users are routinely "pitched" by official internal communications staff to post content because they have a greater readership?
My research suggests that itโs most often the CIO or the head of internal communications who takes the ownership role in such initiatives - though the most successful are often co-sponsored by execs from several different parts of the business, as this helps to avoid internal politics (such as concerns about self-promotion and empire building), as well as accelerating the adoption process by already having the buy-in of several areas of the business on day one
You can even turn to the use of social media tools for internal communications. The options are endless
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How do you attempt to measure things like customer service, improved internal communications, etc.?
With its benefits including more effective and streamlined communications throughout the organisation and better connecting staff, it's perhaps not surprising that in many organisations a social collaboration initiative begins in the internal communications department; often it's in conjunction with a need to overhaul or reinvigorate the corporate intranet, or to support efforts to unify a disconnected and siloed organisation, perhaps following one or more acquisitions or mergers
The Challenge of Internal Communications I recently joined a local roundtable group here in Seattle made up of business leaders focused on the challenges of internal business communications
But the fact is it is a foundational tool of internal communications in business and while Enterprise 2.0 flirts with the promise of eliminating it, that’s not going to happen any time soon
I became known as the guy who could get conversations started, who could help increase traffic to a post, and who would be willing to give an opinion when no one else would. Our internal communications staff was even pitching me to get me to share official corporate messages because I had built up a decent sized following on my blog
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