TweetDeck I use Twitter hash tags to keep up-to-date with industry trends and perspectives
I mean, our competitors can't catch us off guard because we're reading the same things they are every day; and we're always on the bleeding edge of industry trends, because we know what everyone is doing and thinking every minute
Understand how vendors are responding to this new market reality. ” Slides: Richard Medina, Co-Founder & Principal Consultant, Doculabs, USA: " The Future is Participation Management" - "Deeper and broader Participation Management (versus Content and Process Management) is the most important industry trend today, and there are several important emerging Best and Worst Practices for how to incorporate the new technologies and pursue the new opportunities ” Slides: Geert Kruiter, VP Continental Europe, Document Boss, The Netherlands: " The role and impact of M&A on innovation" - “Why on-going consolidation is good for the ECM users and should not impact today’s decision in doing business with small and innovative vendors ” Slides: Panelists Pamela Doyle, Director, Fujitsu, USA Ulrich Leuthner, Director Marketing, IBM, USA (2) “The Future of … the Workplace” Several stimulus talks demonstrated different views for the office in the coming 10 to 20 years
Do the changes you make help position your company to better respond to competitive threats, to deliver products and services more quickly, or to more quickly identify the shifting industry trends, synthesize the data, and use this information to innovate?
Some started blogs where they communicated with their teams or discussed industry trends, some created wiki pages on areas of their expertise, and some simply asked questions using forum posts
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