Organizations have always been investing a lot to develop their human capital in order to hire the best, train them, develop them, retain them...Most of them, even if recognizing the benefits of these programs, have the impression that they don't manage to make the most of their investiment
It’s interesting that the most powerful sites for social activism seem to coalesce around sharing platforms (Facebook, Twitter, MeetUp) rather than those that specifically focus on collective action, as the latter require high human capital costs (a certain number of participants to make anything happen) whereas the former sites take no human capital to get something started
- the schizophrenia of organizations that are trying to take the most out their human capital in a knowledge based economy and want to rely on known and measurable processes to remain manageable (what does not mean some of these processes should not be fixed or lightened), and are looking for a way to make both approaches compatible
Cultural fit Employee attitudes Retention issues Teamwork and reward All of them are vaguely clad in the wardrobe of human capital. None of them offer any clear balance sheet implications or anything as earthy and crunchy as post transaction implementations
Maybe some would like a more humanist explainations but the truth for many organizations (there are exceptions of course) is that they want to get the most of what thy invest in human capital 2°) Then it's about people Once a given organization understands it has to provide people with the right tools and change a couple of internal and external business practices to let their people deliver their full potential, then things become to be about people
The governance plan must cover people’s roles and tasks as well as incorporate change in human capital due to turnover and expansion
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