Do you want to ruin your users’ search experience? Do you want to render search painful? Do you want to add a level of frustration to an otherwise useful function that everyone counts on? If you do, ignore the metadata. In the absence of a well-run program to eliminate dated and sometimes...
Building on my last post about how to pick a scanner, this blog targets indexing methods...Let’s explore how to determine which approach works best for you
With these computer applications, we can address the business drivers identified as the four Cs – compliance, cost, collaboration and (business) continuity. How to Ensure Information Governance Organizations need to take a holistic approach to managing their records and information
eDiscovery is a process that is completely driven by litigation response: if you are involved in litigation and have received a legal hold letter, you must follow the legal rules and best practices to avoid fines, sanctions and worst case: severe damage to your reputation and the potential for...
I really like the AIIM "Intelligent Information Management" theme. I would like to take that a bit further and propose a "wouldn't it be nice if" scenario, and then explain what I think it would take to get there. This means that the content becomes "intelligent...
I get asked all the time by users in my organization about how to scan paper. This usually includes identifying a system to scan into, how to index, how to QA, and more
If you own or manage a capture operation you probably want to know how it’s doing. Whether you do capture in-house (using Captiva , Datacap , Kofax or others) or outsource (to Xerox , Pitney , SOURCECORP , Swiss Post Solutions , or others) you probably want to know how you&rsquo...
One growing area of customer communications management (CCM) is the functionality to provide alerts and notifications: the ability for an organization to provide timely or urgent messages to its customers and agents. It’s CCM functionality that’s particularly critical for...
Four Functions of Metadata Metadata can be defined as “structured information about a document, data, or other information content”. Examples of metadata are author, title, subject keywords, date of publication, security classification, access permissions, and rights...
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