It got me thinking, we’re almost at the point where a hard drive is completely unnecessary in the workplace. How we currently use our local hard drives: Store current files Store local programs (Got any other reasons?
To the ADF feeder! to my hard drive you go!...When all that was left was a full hard drive and paper snow storm; I could breathe and realize how great it was to transform
OCR processes move images in and out of memory, and serialize to the hard drive more times than you can imagine
These companies store physical records, microfilms, audio/videotapes, x-rays but also computer tapes and hard drives for their clients
I wrote a blog post a few months back about the future of enterprise computers no longer needing hard drives and clearly BitCasa is a giant leap forward in that area. Who needs a local hard drive when they have instant access to all of their data from the cloud, especially when that data storage costs the enterprise a LOT less money?
Much of what we create and save is stored in unstructured format on network drives, local hard drives and even thumb drives
Another way is to degauss the drive using a strong magnet; this removes the magnetic fields from the drive (and therefore the data stored on the drive) but tends to destroy the firmware of the drive as well. ATA-type hard drives manufactured since 2001 can be purged without destroying the drive by using a special Secure Erase command that completely wipes every block from the hard drive
Saving everything to a spare hard drive seems like a valid safety net, but if the hard drive is in the same location as the original documents, both may be damaged
With backup services such as The Cloud , or external hard drives, a company’s data is always safe
Traditionally with an internal server an office would only have their data backed up to one hard drive, in one place at a time
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