Metadata vs. e-folder structures and full text search Traditionally, electronic records have been stored on shared drives...In these cases, the results from the full text search would contain many documents that are not relevant to your report
Let’s compare that to a legacy ECM system or SharePoint. Full text search is the key to find ability because it works the way users expect...When you have full text search, you can search within content and documents to find the right information
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Incorporated on September 2 nd , 1983 in Chicago, Illinois to develop the first full-text search program for the PC-platform: ZyINDEX
The documents were then made available to the public via a full-text search program and the people responsible for servicing these requests were reassigned to other work
A common strategy is to do a full text search and store the image in both a black & white and color format
Scanned and photographed documents, invoices, letters, contracts – all these documents can be retrieved only using the file name, but not using the actual content of the document. To extend full-text search to all document types, and leave no important knowledge undiscovered, OCR functionality is a must
Automatic and recurring collection of data, not only by location, file name, extension, and MIME type, but also by using full-text search to collect only relevant documents that match the negotiated Boolean
Search does not eliminate the need for a good organizational structure for your content. Full text search doesn’t eliminate the need for appropriate metadata, and rank and relevance indicators are no substitute for subject matter experts considering the actual business value of a document
Sometimes you don’t know what you are searching for in detail, so metadata and full-text search is crucial
We see more and more of these types of ready-to-use libraries for sentiment mining, categorization of documents in a large eDiscovery process, automatic clean up of legacy information and automatic filing- and records management in Enterprise Information Archiving. 15 years ago ZyLAB was often still evangelizing full text search, now we are all used to full-text, but we have forgotten about many other tools that are needed in a proper search interface such as taxonomies ( and other tools to help a user to find the right search terms
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