Define a Lifecycle Management and Migration Process: Finally, determine how dynamic content should be managed and potentially migrated through the content lifecycle onto the appropriate systems as it becomes fixed content. For example, when should user-generated content within the Jive platform be archived?
Process ECM provides advanced, high-volume “process” or “transaction worker” capabilities, such as production imaging and workflow, typically on fixed content. It typically also involves integration with ERP and line of business systems
Alternatively, automatic indexing is ideal for large volumes and/or when the documents have some sort of fixed content structure. For example, the Census 2010 forms have fixed structure where a particular field such as Social Security Number is always in the same place of the document
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Process DM and Access: Rather than “knowledge worker” capabilities, this pattern provides “process or transaction worker” capabilities, such as production imaging and workflow, typically on “fixed content”. It also often involves integration with business systems like ERP
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