Research on the RM perspective discussed earlier suggests that most RM professionals expect to apply the collaborative pre-approval process they use for disposing of physical records in boxes stored off-site to electronic records. Other RM voices think this is unrealistic and impractical
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This is the first in a series of posts on the fundamentals of electronic records management - and few topics are as fundamental to effective information management as the inventory
Electronic Records Cleanup Pt. 1: Why Clean Up Your Electronic Files When Storage is Cheap?
According to ISO/TR 15489-2:2001; Information and documentation -- Records management -- Part 2: Guidelines , a very important step in the process of designing and implementing a records management system is to identify strategies for satisfying records requirements. In this step, your...
A pre-approval process for the deletion of electronic records was more likely to be applied to digital records stored on-site (73% in the 2nd survey), especially for high-volume repositories, than for digital records stored off-site or in the cloud (61% in the 2nd survey)
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And this approach is quite challenging for electronic records because they are found in so many different formats and locations...A subset of the location-based approach specific to electronic records management is system mapping
The growth of electronic records has had positive impacts on many diverse organization operations...Is there a magic bullet for the long-term preservation of electronic records? If so, how has any solution been proven to endre?
(n = 49) Yes 47 responses (96%) A pre-approval process for the deletion of electronic records was more likely to be applied to electronic records stored on-site (high-volume repositories were mentioned). For more than half of the respondents, a pre-approval process for electronic records stored off-site or in the cloud was not applicable. 4. Does your company require pre-approval for deletion of electronic records stored off-site?
A simple taxonomy appears to be a more reliable approach to tagging electronic records. At the enterprise level, I’ve seen the structured-functional hierarchy of categories in retention schedules (business functions, records series, and record type examples) used as the foundation for enterprise taxonomies
How to implement Electronic Records Management?
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