For most organizations, coming up with a plan to address dynamic content is more challenging. But as more organizations deploy social business applications and seek to manage content contributed to internal blogs and wikis, there is an increasing need for lifecycle management of dynamic content. Following are a few best practices a firm should consider to begin its foray into dynamic content life cycle management. Inventory and Profile Dynamic Content Systems: First, conduct an inventory of dynamic content systems, profiling key characteristics of each
Scroll down and you’ll discover a dissection of the “cloud,” different methods of collaboration, how to manage dynamic content, and how to maximize the use of SharePoint to enable collaboration
Here are some details and a link to register: Content in Context: Why Dynamic Content and Content Choreography Is Critical to Information Management September 15 - Developing a Dynamic Content Management Strategy September 22 - Content Choreography, IA & Search September 29 - Dynamic Content Processes and Information Management Governance October 13 - Getting More Value from SharePoint Content - The Role of Taxonomy and Information Architecture Register (it is free) Hope to see you there!
How Should Large Companies Manage the Lifecycle of their Dynamic Content?
Slides: Miika Makitalo, General Manager, M-Files, Finland: " Dynamic Content Management: Managing Information by "What" it is vs. "Where" it's Stored" - “Most ECM systems employ folder-based paradigms that are difficult to manage, resulting in inefficient searches, duplication of information and data loss, but businesses that leverage a dynamic content management approach benefit from a simpler and more precise "folder-less" approach for managing their information and processes. ” Slides: Ulrich Leuthner, Director Marketing, IBM, USA: " Leverage content to drive new insights and differentiated value" - “Smarter Content solutions enable leading organizations to harness new insights from unstructured information to create differentiated value. “ Slides: Richard Medina, Co-Founder & Principal Consultant, Doculabs, USA: "Workplace 2025: - The Reality TV Show" - “The successful mobile and social workplace in 2025 will: 1) have a baseline of adequacy in the new technologies, 2) have some solid mobile and social line-of-business applications (which I describe), and 3) will address the serious inefficiencies and risks of mobile and social. ” Slides: (3) “The Future of … the Information Society” Some short speeches warmed up for the panel discussion about the changes of our society
where we will help make do in the art of dynamic content? I am happy to take on any conversation and Hangouts with fellow peers at G+ My next post, based upon these drafted ideas, will be the Content Choreograph toolbox
All that social, collaborative, dynamic content, much of it living in third-party applications, perhaps outside the firewall, is going to pose significant challenges to RM departments that have only recently moved beyond being the paper box people to also address ESI
The following is a list of the core search related web parts in SharePoint 2013, Office 365 and/or SharePoint Online : Content Search Web Part (CSWP) The content search web part utilizes various capabilities to display dynamic content within SharePoint pages
Then provide employees with very clear and explicit guidance for the acceptable use of available tools for dynamic content and their associated retention periods
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Content authors have the ability to insert an IFrame element into an HTML field on a site that utilize embed dynamic content that already exists from other sites and pages such as videos, maps, or other relevant content
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