I think the answer lies with the “Digital Natives”; that part of our population who were born during or after the widespread availability and distribution of computer technology. In other words , the segment of the population who have never seen or used a typewriter!!! Digital Natives grew up with the pervasive and widespread use of technology
My last blog “Digital Natives – Are they the Tipping Point for Paper” seems to have generated some interest and even a few comments...The idea that I presented was that digital natives will be the catalyst for the reduction of paper use in business
Much has been written about the Millennials / digital natives / MySpace / Facebook / latest social phenomenon generation entering the world of work and disrupting the traditional IT department
If you haven't seen the episode yet, it's available on Netflix, or streaming over at PBS . Digital Natives - the "millennials" are the most wired group of people in history, and this will have a profound impact on information management
Would a hybrid solution, consisting of a combination “physical” and “virtual” library serve the needs of both digital natives and digital immigrants?
They spoke in sweeping generalizations of digital dinosaurs, digital natives, and digital immigrants
Probably not unless reinventing yourself for a living is measured in decades. For you digital natives I'm describing how dinosaurs like me once crawled out of our darkened caves of DOS
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