That in itself will be a challenge that Microsoft will have to find a solution for in the future if it is to retain its strong marketshare against solutions that have continuous development cycles. As for the Quora question about microblogging, Francois Tranter, the questioner, sums up this point from a consumer standpoint perfectly, “ To me it just feels like three years is an eternity these days
Last year's conference announced the integration of Yammer into the O365 family, and the promise that Microsoft would learn from the start-ups' iterative development cycle. In that time O365 has launched has taken the market by storm, and new features have been released on a more frequent basis
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The natural pause in the ECM development cycle has one sustaining lesson for all of us this holiday pause before we floor the 2011 pedal
Ideally what we should be looking to do is embrace products that actually sit on top of SharePoint, built by a certified Microsoft partner, with a development cycle, support system, and a level of responsibility intact, so when the next version of SharePoint does hit the shelves that required bit of functionality that does not come out-of-the-box is fully supported and ready for the transition
With a BPM platform, Banks and Lending organizations can enjoy the following benefits Best of both point solution and bespoke Faster time to market Quicker development cycles Highly scalable & configurable (near to zero coding) & ready to use Lowers costs of deployment and future process automation Improves productivity Faster adaptation of change in requirements Smart integration with existing systems BPM platforms are highly configurable and rules driven engines which opposed to Point solutions provide frugal solutions to customization needs
O’Reilly’s eight characteristics of Web 2.0 While large, traditional software companies such as Microsoft, IBM, and Oracle deliver traditional prepackaged software on development cycles that are usually years in length, a newer generation of companies like Google, Yahoo!
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