The process by which organizations catalog their information is known as data mapping. The above quote is from the heading of an AIIM article on Data Mapping ( ). In this particular case, PG&E may have lessened the impact of records issues and they may been better able to demonstrate the complex requirements for producing records by demonstrating via a data map where documents and data reside within their company. Data Mapping is defined, in the above article, as “A data map is a listing of the organization’s ESI by category, location, and custodian or steward, including how it is stored, its accessibility, and associated retention policies and procedures
So, I’m trying a new (for me) inventorying technique: deontic questions with criterial leap. I know, I know--but stay with me here. Basically it’s active listening influenced by the presuppositions of conditional probability (or the probability of an event occurring, given that another...
As the day unfolds, they realize: the retention rules and architecture of potential records locations are two very different animals. The data mapping exercise begins to flounder—sometimes achieving a modicum of success, sometimes not
Records Retention Schedule – covering all documented information content, described in "functional" buckets Data mapping - identifying content in specific systems/repositories and mapping to retention schedule Business unit management level and administrative support level liaisons Policies, standards and procedures based on legal and business requirements, standards, industry best practices, etc
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