As an open specification, LTFS can be utilized by any company's LTFS software since it is vendor-neutral, and data stored on tape using LTFS is self-contained and self-referential: Much like a USB or external drive, the tape includes an index with drag-and-drop functionality but with larger storage potential. Long Live Data Backup Tape has remained the primary option for data backup for over 50 years
If you haven't heard about BitCasa yet, you are sure to be hearing about it soon. BitCasa is a cloud storage provider that offers UNLIMITED storage space at what will be minimal cost (it's free right now and they just opened their public beta). Unlimited space? How is that even...
Most SMBs, and even larger companies, do not have a data backup that is done in real time and there would most likely be several days before they were “up and running” with the backup tapes
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