Moving to the cloud has tremendous potential, cost savings, achieving ubiquitous access, and the list goes on. There are concerns and we hear them every day, that put organizations on the fence. One of the primary concerns is data privacy issues. We have a...
For companies that operate in international jurisdictions, it is vital to stay up-to-date on legislative actions that affect data retention policies and compliance. This allows companies to make internal adjustments as necessary and to avoid costly sanctions and other harmful penalties for non...
Countries are continuing to escalate restrictions on storage location and transfers of data, with China being the most recent to follow suit. China broadened its cybersecurity initiatives significantly in 2016 with the release of the Cybersecurity Law (Law). Scheduled to come into effect June 1,...
Achieved a Master of Science in Legal Studies in Data Privacy and Cybersecurity; recipient of CIP In Action AIIM International Leadership Award 2019; and the SC Media Reboot International Leadership Award (Top Manager) for a holistic approach to cyber security and information governance
05-27-2021 | 12:00 - 13:00 ET
A recent study by Verizon showed that more than 58% of the cyber security incidents in the public sector were caused by the government officials themselves
Hey You ... With the Cloud in Your Eyes A little over a month from now the partisan faithful will gather under a sprawling Microsoft tent in Chicago and high-five to the pulsing thump of post enterprise Microsoft -- a mighty convergence of comforting office apps served over slick interfaces...
2 Comments - Curious that the new messaging was 2 parts cyber-security to one part app-building consumerization
The FEDSIG is for federal information workers, whether IT professionals, knowledge or records managers, process engineers, or any of a host of related experts including access ( FOIA , Mandatory Declassification Review, Security Review ), privacy, cyber security, legal discovery, etc
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Fast forward seventy-five years, and we find that most records are no longer in paper form and most communication is now electronic. Cyber-security is a significant concern, and the out-of-sight, out-of-mind reality of digital storage has allowed for vast accumulations of information that—were it in paper form—would have long ago been disposed
· Cyber Security – the increasing threat of malware and hacking focuses support of solutions that wrap content with layers of security and access controls
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