The use of Intelligent Document Recognition (IDR) technology has delivered significant cost savings in relation to minimizing and/or eliminating human touch and involvement throughout the capture process. These cost savings are usually realized during the runtime execution of the capture system
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A small improvement can result in a big time and cost savings for the organization. The return on a creating a more focused user experience for new hires equates to hard, bottom line, cost savings. Hopefully the tips above will provide your organization with a good starting point to leverage tools you may have today to improve new employee experiences
Provided below is a real example of how a blended solution of face-to-face activities and an E2.0 solution lead to real cost savings in a deployed solution Moving to the cloud has tremendous potential, cost savings, achieving ubiquitous access, and the list goes on
Reduced paper filing and storage costs, reduced real estate space, increased speed at finding what you’re looking for within seconds as opposed to hours, reduced regulatory compliance costs… translate to big cost savings. But by how much?
It has applications in just about every industry and vertical market, including the public sector. The cost savings, both actual and potential, have huge implications for companies in the private sector and at all levels of the public sector
With that said, the concept of records has to be pitched with a cost savings value. Simply, the new HR solution will drive improved efficiencies and productivity (cost savings) and the records element has to do the same
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HCSC Line of Business and Technical leadership will detail business and technical milestones, focus on content migration, repository consolidation, business process improvement, cost savings, end user impact and overall project success criteria
If you follow me on Twitter, which you probably don't since I don't even need all my toes and fingers to count me follower you know my twitter handle is info currency which is another way of saying information currency. When we typically think of currency we think of money, time,...
In fact, it’s not much of a stretch to expect that digital natives will demand paperless processes not so much because they recognize the cost savings or business benefits but more likely because they are comfortable with technology and want the convenience and speed of electronic transactions and interactions
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