I suspect that a large part of the issue is that classification models are too granular and too tightly coupled to the retention schedule
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I've decided to post some stuff that has served me well over the years when it comes to process modeling (as a bonus this also works well for defining a functional classification model). http://christianpwalker.wordpress.com/2011/04/26/process-definition-a-little-help/ Feedback, positive & negative, is welcome
The delivery mechanism (file format) should indicate nothing more than how the message needs to managed from a mechanical (not business) point of view. I.e.: a classification model should account for the subject of the decision, not for the file format
We can further simplify things by providing the user with a function based classification model. Users know what business process they’re involved in, and they’re usually involved in only a couple of business processes in an organization
There is No Free Lunch Machine-learning requires significant set-up involving training and testing the quality of the classification model (aka the classifier ) , which is a time consuming and demanding task that requires at least the manual tagging and evaluation of both the training and the test set by more than one party (in order to prevent biased opinions)
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