This is where LTFS, with enormous storage potential and lower costs than other storage media, can step up to the plate: Exhaust data can be synced to LTFS and then analyzed later once large pools of exhaust data have accumulated
The Linear Tape File System (LTFS) is the latest development in magnetic tape, a technology that has been evolving for over 50 years and remains one of the most efficient means of storing data and information. The Linear Tape File System is self-contained tape that stores data and information...
This post is part 1 of a 3 part series about Linear Tape File System. The Linear Tape File System (LTFS) is one of the most important breakthroughs in magnetic tape storage (yes, it's still alive and is experiencing a resurgence). LTFS is a fully encompassed file system that writes...
True enough, but this concept assumes that there is a standard classification scheme in use by the entire enterprise; that all employees willingly classify their email messages according to it (or there is an automatic classification tool that works with more than 10 categories); and that there is actually some way to retain messages according to their assigned retention periods rather than copying them sequentially to storage media. Given the volume of email, the potential numbers of categories, and the enforcement of complex, event-driven retention periods, this solution may not be viable as a practical reality
Recognizing these facts, litigators and investigators in both civil and criminal matters have begun to focus carefully on electronic discovery and the role of computer forensics -- the science of reliably recovering and handling electronic storage media and the data contained therein so as to provide the appropriate foundations for admissible evidence
Backup rotation schemes determine when ESI is backed up on a piece of removable storage media, and how long it should be retained
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With electronic records, organizations are now storing terabytes and petabytes of content that is becoming very expensive to maintain, considering the cost of the storage media and the administrative costs, including backups
Store – elimination of information silos is one of the goals of ECM, so the ability to properly store your information in a secure yet accessible environment Preserve - ensuring that your information remains available throughout its lifecycle by updating your storage media, updating file formats, and checking for media degradation
Data is stored at rest on storage media and in transit from the data center over a network to a customer device
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