The benefit of Social Messaging lies in the creation of transparency regarding the activities in the company and, resulting from that the effects of realizing value-added potential and process improvement
Many companies prefer therefore to go for hosted or in-house Social Messaging systems like Yammer and Lotus Connection to ensure they can secure and manage the environment. Business and IT executives are now starting to realize that social networks within an enterprise enable a company to react and adapt more quickly. Social Messaging is the exchange of information in real time by staff and executives. It makes status updates by staff available to the whole network (except if it has been limited to partial networks), which helps colleagues learn what other colleagues are working on, of important events, or relevant information. Social Messaging increases transparency of the processes and business activities in which the employees are involved in
Fast Company mentions the Social Messaging Vendor Study done with research firm N:Sight, citing stats on the consumerization and personalization of IT and use of social network tools
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