Third-Party Tools and SharePoint ISVs Over the past 8 or 9 years I have had the sincere pleasure of working with some of the top SharePoint ISVs out there and over the years some of come and gone but they key players are still there such as: Idera Metalogix AvePoint Axceler Colligo HiSoftware Tzunami WebPartGallery Bamboo Solutions Quest KnowledgeLake And many others I do not have room to mention but are very reputable From an I.T
I am currently the Director of Product Evangelism for Axceler , a SharePoint ISV that specializes in award-winning administration and migration software
Many of the leading Microsoft SharePoint ISV’s are first adapting their MOSS 2007 products to SharePoint 2010 before introducing significant innovations to their products to take advantage of the new SharePoint 2010 features
(Note: SharePoint is not meant to change company policy but to improve the user and company experience on those policies) Design Work Sessions Building Organizational Diagrams Build Proposed Model Define Information Management Define Organizational Structure Governance Document Draft Construct SharePoint Services Documentation Construct Equipment for Environment Documentation Construct Software Documentation Construct Information Management Documentation Construct Organization Documentation Construct Policies Documentation Review Draft Governance Documentation with Client Governance Document Final Construct SharePoint Services Documentation Construct Equipment for Environment Documentation Construct Software Documentation Construct Information Management Documentation Construct Organization Documentation Construct Policies Documentation Review Draft Governance Documentation with Client Obtain Governance Document Client Sign off SharePoint Roadmap Develop Roadmap Document Review Roadmap Document Obtain Roadmap Document Client Sign Off EPC Group - Begins Design Portion of the Initiative Design Process Overview Meeting Server Configuration Identify document management approach Identify existing content sources content audit or inventory Determine content migration methodology Review server software requirements Plan Recycle Bin use and Site recovery Determine site provisioning model and user experience Determine Roles and Usage Patterns of Users Identify number and anticipated usage patterns of users of the Web front end Identify number and anticipated usage patterns of document management users Identify number and anticipated usage patterns of search users Plan Capacity Determine normal load from roles and usage patterns Determine number of documents stored and document store size Estimate index size Determine needs for growth Determine peak load factor My Next 3 Articles Detailing EPC Group’s Decade of SharePoint Success Will Entail: Security Best Practices and Consulting Methodologies Performance Best Practices and Consulting Methodologies Failover and Disaster Recovery Best Practices Reviewing and Selecting 3 rd Party SharePoint ISV’s and Tools Localization Best Practices Long-term Maintenance Best Practices Content Navigation and Its Structure ECM \ Metadata \ Content Type Design Retention Schedule \ ECM \ ERM Workflow Development Meeting Expiration Basis Data of Related Metadata Detailed Training Overview Best Practices – With an Emphasis on “Real World” Training and not “Canned” Out-of-the-box Training Testing \ Break-fix, etc
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Several points that I get questions on every week that I think companies really need to understand that I have seen out there “in the trenches”: YOU DO NOT NEED TO BUY A THIRD PARTY TOOL TO MIGRATE SHAREPOINT 2007 CONTENT TO SHAREPOINT 2013 My firm partners with most all of the SharePoint ISVs out there in a very agnostic manner but the amount of money you would spend on a 3 rd party tool that “seamlessly migrates from 2007 to 2013” or “helps you migrate from 2007 to 2010 and then seamlessly to 2013” would better be spent repaving your companies parking lot!
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