My friend, and all-around SharePoint Whiz kid Marc Anderson inspired this blog post with a simple tweet “ Form, then function?
These guys were uniquely capable of discussing the intricate dance going on in the overlapping worlds of Cloud Computing, Mobile ECM and the trend toward BYOD – the ‘D’, by the way, according to Marc Anderson, stands for Device, not Disaster
Our moderator, SharePoint guru Marc Anderson ran the session as a conversation with the audience, and the first question we received was about augmenting SharePoint’s search features with 3 rd -party products to improve adoption
” I remember having this experience the first time Marc Anderson spent a couple of days with us teaching us client-side SharePoint development
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Last week, I talked about how we worked around the iPad’s inability to display Datasheet Views by using some middle-tier magic Marc Anderson got us addicted to back in June
I am using some of the techniques we learned from Marc Anderson earlier this summer
Fortunately, we spent some time earlier this summer in the tutelage of Marc Anderson , so we’re no longer afraid of DVWPs
I would argue that people in IT usually have a broader understanding of the business functions in an organization than most of their peers, but their understanding is biased toward technology. Marc Anderson recently pointed out in a blog post that “ Collaboration is about behavior, not software ” and in case you don’t realize it, information management requires collaboration as much as it enables collaboration
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I built on that thought in an article on my SharePoint Stories blog where I describe how we have decided to move a slice of our content out of SharePoint and into a less robust environment – which just happens to be exactly what our customers want us to do. Next, Marc Anderson , in an act that might prove that “ no good deed goes unpunished ” isn’t just an old saying, tagged my post on Facebook
Their skills do not have to be overly technical as programming and/or scripting are rarely involved and if they are, then this person(s) is typically working with a configuration specialist (mid-tier – thanks Marc Anderson!) or development specialist
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