This is also called faceted search ( )...A great example of faceted search and faceted navigation can be found here:
Text mining (both statistical and linguistic) and other exploratory search types such as faceted search ( have contributed significant to the usability of search interfaces. 15 years ago, there was not enough electronic data to train the statistical algorithms and there was not enough coverage of languages to implement proper disambiguation of, for instance, pronouns, co-references and entity boundaries ( 3
Example 1 - Google Search Example 2 - Google Search Faceted Resources Faceted Search , Daniel Tunkelan
However, in a dynamic taxonomy for faceted search, the multiple relationships between the concepts are dynamically inferred and also immediately visible to the end user
Additional options for relevance ranking and advanced visualization due to the more populated result lists are also an additional benefit. 7. Faceted search (aka refine results or semantic relevance ranking): the additional content generated by the content analytics will provide us with additional facets we can use to refine our results
Solr is actually a search server based on Lucene that also adds powerful features such as XML/HTTP and JSON/Python/Ruby APIs, hit highlighting, faceted search, synonyms, spacial search, search by semantic proximity, caching, replication, and a web admin interface
So, for real in-depth insights, one cannot ignore pronoun and co-reference resolution! Faceted Search and Information Visualization Text analysis is often mentioned in the same sentence with faceted search and information visualization in large part because visualization is one of the viable technical tools for information analysis after unstructured information has been structured
As a result, fast support for more complex calculations such as wildcard searches, fuzzy searches, hit highlighting, hit navigation, and other search tools such as taxonomy, and faceted search all have to be calculated at search time, when the search engine algorithms use the search index to find relevant web pages or documents
Verdict : Both GSA and Coveo offer faceted search that filters down to manageable, more qualified, and exacting search results
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