Guest Blog posting from my esteemed colleague Ed White, VP and Senior Architect at Bank of America There is a lot of truth to the saying that “you don’t own your possessions, your possessions own you.” I’m not sure I ever fully understood this until the first time...
Because organizations have a myriad of options for designing their systems and environments to capture the ESI, development of an ANSI standard to accompany AIIM and ISO best practices for implementing Electronic Content Management (ECM) systems was necessary, according to Robert M
Because aside from the occasional industry colleague, most people have no idea what document management and/or electronic content management are
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To ease out and streamline the intricate collaboration that is required within the organization and between their partners, sophisticated collaboration tools like Document Management Systems (DMS)/Electronic Content Management (ECM) are being extensively deployed
Says Rebecca Wettemann, vice president of Research at Nucleus, “With the rise of increasingly economical cloud-based solutions for electronic content management, both small and large companies can gain benefits from content management initiatives that would have previously been too expensive to justify implementing and hosting on premise
Or when does an electronic content management system become a “legal hold and email archiving software”?
In a world where everyone wonders what will be next in social collaboration, process automation or electronic content management, this article actually presents a new way of looking at the state of the web today
NARA has implemented an ambitious electronic content management and accessioning application called ERA – Electronic Records Archive
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