I love it when somebody does something that inspires a blog entry. Trying to write two SharePoint blogs each week, and keeping them useful, can be challenging, so it’s nice when someone helps. What’s helping me today is the fact that this Community has moved on up to the AIIM site....
The following definition of migration is taken from ISO 15489, the international standard for records management. It defines migration as the: “act of moving records from one system to another, while maintaining the records' authenticity, integrity, reliability and usability...
2 Comments - Therefore the cheapest way to migrate audit information is to migrate first of all the unique document ID from the source system with each migrated document and put it in a metadata field in the target system
These are an ideal time saver as they don’t require the interested user in periodically checking for new updates. Document ID Service The Document ID Service in SharePoint offers 2 major benefits
It is simply a number starting from 1, within each document library. The Document ID feature does provide functionality in line with Dublin Core Identifier element. Before using the Document ID feature in your content management system, you must first enable it for the site collection(s) your documents are hosted in
The focal point should be: How SharePoint fits into the business objectives of the organization at the enterprise level What organizational structures need to be put in place to define and support the use of SharePoint (e.g. a Governance Committee, User Adoption Strategy, Content Taxonomy) How various SharePoint features can be used and/or combined to replace or complement existing systems and processes (e.g. the Corporate Intranet, Line of Business Applications, legacy ECM solutions) At a minimum, I think Decision Makers need to understand, at a high level , what the following features are and how they might be used to solve common business-technical problems: Various options for implementing Web-based Data Input Forms and Workflows in SharePoint Document Libraries, Document Sets, the Document ID Service and Remote Blob Storage Enterprise Content Types & the Managed Metadata Service Content Organizer, Drop-off Library and Content Organization Rules In-place Records Management in SharePoint 2010 Integration Support including Business Connectivity Services (BCS), the Business Data Catalog, SharePoint Web Services, etc
Taxonomy and Folksonomy), strong content types/content type publishing (enhanced metadata, and retention schedules), in-place records management (in addition to records center), content audits, eDiscovery, and Document ID service, SharePoint 2010 does satisfy these ECM Fundamentals
Document Management Check In / Check Out Versioning Comparison Managed Metadata Structured Folksonomy Content Types and Site Columns Metadata Navigation Folder Structure and Filtering Item Permissions Document ID Service Social Ratings Tags and Notes Rule Based Submission – Content Organizer Records Management Full Document Management Capabilities Document ID Multi-Stage Retention Per-Item Audit Reports Hierarchal File Plans File Plan Report Taxonomy and Centralized Content Types Content Organizer Virtual Folders – Metadata Navigation In-Place Record Declaration Support for tens of millions in a single record center More in a distributed archive scenario Each of these features has been built to assist you in "building" the right solution
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