Data What about structured data inside relational database management systems, NoSQL databases, XML files, and other structures?...There are compelling reasons to keep data in database management systems for business intelligence
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Here's what everybody's friend Wikipedia has to say about it: big data is a loosely-defined term used to describe data sets so large and complex that they become awkward to work with using on-hand database management tools … Though a moving target, as of 2008 limits were on the order of petabytes to zettabytes of data.”
If you were the president of a 7-59 NBA team you'd think that it was time to do things differently. That is exactly what the Charlotte Bobcats did when they hired new general manager Rich Cho. MLB is famous for it's use of advanced statistics, primarily among the Society of American...
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My education in grad school 10 years ago consisted of hard copy, imaging, microfilm, and database management—very Robek-which laid a nice groundwork in anticipation of my first Analyst-level position
Jeff Lewis is a Certified Information Professional and has experience in records management, content management, requirements management, project management and database management. He holds a graduate degree in Library Science and while obtaining that degree he performed independent studies in implementing digitization projects and an independent reading on long-term digital preservation
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