With LTFS, which boasts the convenience of USB and external storage options and generally larger capacities, tape has regained its rightful place among other data storage technologies
The Linear Tape File System (LTFS) is the latest development in magnetic tape, a technology that has been evolving for over 50 years and remains one of the most efficient means of storing data and information. The Linear Tape File System is self-contained tape that stores data and information...
This post is part 1 of a 3 part series about Linear Tape File System. The Linear Tape File System (LTFS) is one of the most important breakthroughs in magnetic tape storage (yes, it's still alive and is experiencing a resurgence). LTFS is a fully encompassed file system that writes...
Cloud storage is no doubt a breath of fresh air in the constant struggle of document and data storage. It relieves organizations of the risks involved with storage and security of paper or microfilm documents, yet it is often forgotten that there are security steps which need to be taken after documents and data have been shifted to the Cloud
Despite a decrease in the cost of electronic data storage, other costs associated with electronic information continue to rise
In addition, there must be a review of the security models and data storage. Organizations must provide safe and secure storage and information access, as well as have a mechanism in place to determine whether the solution is actually meeting the needs of the organization
The "SharePoint Security - A Survey on Compliance and Recommendations to Achieve True Security" whitepaper provides some very interesting points regarding how organizations use SharePoint for secure data storage and how secure your data actually is
Content access for both search and analytics, and if necessary, content migration to dedicated big data storage, can be facilitated by unified data access products. 8
What’s wrong with a few extra versions of that presentation floating around on the network? Isn’t data storage cheap? I’d better keep a personal copy just in case, what if someone messes with version on the network?
Who needs a local hard drive when they have instant access to all of their data from the cloud, especially when that data storage costs the enterprise a LOT less money?
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