For many organizations, lifecycle management of content is an important capability to address compliance and litigation concerns. But recognize that content takes many different forms, and the lifecycle management processes must be adapted to address the varying content types, with the primary...
This new paradigm, called Content Lifecycle Management, addresses building Information Governance into all mainline business processes
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IT administrators are tasked with meeting content lifecycle management needs of the business without driving up storage costs
This approach is called Content Lifecycle Management
This approach, called Content Lifecycle Management, applies Information Governance to all content from the time it is created, captured, or ingested, all the way through final disposition
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Shaw: Simply put, the concept of Content Lifecycle Management involves the coordinated, planned management of content from the day it enters the system by creation or capture, how it is classified, where it is stored, how it is accessed, and how long it lives (and in what form and location)
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