Taxonomy is not a word that everyone can relate to. What those of us on the inside of this story know is that the world's most powerful search experiences are powered by taxonomy and metadata. If your business is challenged with juggling vast amounts of content on either internally or...
In the never-ending search for improving customer adoption and engagement -- which social promises, and I do believe can deliver -- the difficulty for most (if not all) organizations is demonstrating business value amidst all of the marketing and promises of the OEMs and vendors
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But have you ever considered that there may be business value in the information stored on you old microforms
This post is just a taster for an initial series of blog posts going into some depth around the 21apps Organisational Shift model for changing the way people work and delivering organisational outcomes with the SharePoint platform. One concept you will hear us talk about a great deal is...
Last week on a different blog, I talked about how we are using SharePoint to manage the voting for a Holiday Door Decorating contest in our office. Marc D. Anderson commented that: “This is one of those fun little applications that I could get totally lost in. It would be an...
One of the most difficult aspects of evangelizing collaboration tools and platforms is the slippery slope of defining business value. No single model for business value will satisfy every organization. In my more-than-two-decades of experience in the information technology landscape, I've come to realize that business value is defined by most as quantitative value, rather than a mixture of qualitative and quantitative -- which is how I look at the world
Many organizations want to want to be held accountable for the information they create depending on the business value. Unfortunately the term business value is relative. Records management policies and auto classification/categorization rules are typically based upon business value. All information, including non-record, has some type of value, even if only transitory, so every scenario should be accounted when creating policies, predictive coding and auto classification/categorization rules
It's about deriving business value from the digital candy you spend your time licking all day, that everlasting gobstopper of interweb splendour
The presentation will be a case study of how digital ethics delivers business value and the key elements to develop a digital ethics framework
05-27-2021 | 12:00 - 13:00 ET
8403 Colesville Rd #1100Silver Spring, MD 20910USA
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