AIIM True North webinar Nov 23 - Build a Machine Learning Model in 20 Minutes - Use historical data

When:  Nov 23, 2021 from 13:00 to 14:00 (ET)
Associated with  AIIM True North

AIIM True North would like to invite you to a webinar on November 23, 2021 at 1:00 PM ET.  The presentation will describe how to build a predictive Machine Learning model using historical data. This webinar is eligible for 1.0 CEUPlease use the CEU submission process at this link: CIP Renewal.

Title: Build a Machine Learning Model in 20 Minutes - Use historical data to easily predict future project performance.

Description: Although A.I. can sometimes feel magical and extremely complex, actually building prediction or recommendation systems isn’t hard as you think. The presentation will show the step-by-step process to create an AI model to predict how long Project Plan tasks will take as part of a larger GANNT chart plan. Can using historical data improve the probability of implementing a digital transformation solution such as customer service platform, migrating content to the cloud repository, etc.? We will review data, build a Machine Learning model, review results, and improve the system.

Date: November 23, 2021
Time: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET

Learning Objectives:
--Understand the basics as to how a Machine Learning / AI predictive model is designed
--Recognize the factors that could lead to poor quality AI results
--Quantitatively calculate and prove what makes a “good” AI model vs a poorly performing one when implementing digital transformation projects?

Speaker's Bio: Jim Provost is the Lead Data Scientist at Lixar IT.  He has more than two decades of software delivery and data science experience. He received his B.Eng from McMaster University and a Masters in Computer Science from Queen's University. He is a strategic adviser, previous TEDx speaker, father of two, and loves to teach people about Data Science and why it matters.

You can register here.



Online Instructions:


Amitabh Srivastav