Thank you for the reminder Donda. I was looking at the documents that Ally included in the recap jut now and we don't have any ideas down for Roles and Responsibilities. We were to think about that from a Leadership lens as well as a Committee membership lens. I will try to get some thoughts down on paper before we meet tomorrow. Hopefully, some others will have time to do the same so we can make some decisions tomorrow ahead of the new calendar year.
Sarah Sheffield, CIP
Lead Document and Records Management Specialist
Fluor Federal Petroleum Operations
DOE- Strategic Petroleum Reserve
Original Message:
Sent: 12-03-2024 15:09
From: Donda Young, CIP
Subject: Reminder: WIIM Leadership Council meeting is Wednesday, 12/4 at 4pm EST.
Hoping to have all you sisters present for the council meeting tomorrow! See you with bells on! (It is the holiday season!)
Donda L. Young, CIP, AIIM Fellow
President / Principal Consultant
Helias Consulting