Women in Information Management WIIM

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Welcome to our WIIM Group - Please Introduce Yourself!

  • 1.  Welcome to our WIIM Group - Please Introduce Yourself!

    Posted 08-22-2017 11:57
    Edited by Georgina Clelland 08-22-2017 12:49

    Hi fellow WIIMers! I'm Georgina Clelland, AIIM's VP for Events, Membership and Professional Development. I've been with AIIM now for over 14 years, proud to have represented AIIM in both the UK and the US. My passion is providing points for connections between people - initially through in person events, but now also online. I'd love to hear from you about any ideas you have around events, membership or training - what should we do more of, differently, or even where has AIIM helped you connect with people that made a difference to your career?

    I look forward to developing this group for Women, by Women. I'd love ideas for topics you'd like help with from this group.

    Welcome all.

    Georgina Clelland
    VP-Events, Membership and Professional Development

  • 2.  RE: Welcome to our WIIM Group - Please Introduce Yourself!

    Posted 02-08-2018 09:38
    As we continue to expand the WIIM network, wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and share a little more about what I hope to gain from the Women In Information Management community.

    I'm Jess, I've been at AIIM for over 10 years now. Started as the chapter manager, and now direct our membership and community programs. The best part of my job has always been connecting folks--and as a woman executive, definitely looking forward to seeing where we take this community. Like others here at AIIM, I'm hoping through our shared vision and community platform--we can find future women leaders for AIIM--be it speaking at conference, leading webinars, receiving awards, and running for AIIM's Board of Directors.

    As for personal life, I have two teens (and actually really love this age group), three cats, and a group of close friends who I consider family. I love live music, kickboxing, and free time:)

    Looking forward to meeting others!

    Jessica Lombardo
    Director of Membership

  • 3.  RE: Welcome to our WIIM Group - Please Introduce Yourself!

    Posted 02-09-2018 08:14

    Hello everyone,


    My name is Michelle Nowlan, I have been in the IM profession for the Department of National Defence for 14 years.  My career in IM started as a configuration manager for ADM(Materiel) for an aircraft upgrade project, and then as an lead information administrator for a division of 800 people.  I moved from (MAT) to the ADM(Information Management) group and managed their disposition and retention system.  There I became quite well versed in the policies and laws that surround the information in the government and its military. From there I joined the RecordKeeping Initiative, where in 5 years we managed to instill IM knowledge into the defence community and an understanding of what their responsibilities are towards information management.


    Last year, I was nominated for the Government of Canada's CIO award, and then awarded an Assistant Deputy Minister award for the development of DND's Electronic Imaging Management Programme.  This programme allows the department to create electronic versions of information holdings, and then destroy the source original.  The way the programme was developed provides the department mechanisms that can be used in a court of law to prove that all the processes, ISOs, standards and acts were followed.


    I now am the manager of the disposition system, the imaging system, our information architecture, and business relationships.  I love the world of information, its power, the transformation from physical to digital, and working in the defence community has been the most rewarding time in my career.


    I am married 29 years, we have two grown sons, a Maine Coon cat named Frodo, we are vintage trailer owners, I'm a Newfoundlander, and I love being in nature, with a glass of red wine of course.


    Michelle Nowlan

    Supervisor Business Relation Management / Enterprise Information Architecture

    EAP Referral Agent

    National Defence / Government of Canada

    michelle.nowlan@...  613-901-6543


    Superviseur Gestion des relations d'affaires / Enterprise Architecture de l'information

    PAE agent d'orientation

    Défense nationale / Gouvernement du Canada

    michelle.nowlan@...  613-901-6543


  • 4.  RE: Welcome to our WIIM Group - Please Introduce Yourself!

    Posted 02-15-2018 11:28
    ​Hello All,

    Just over three years ago I was asked to develop and Enterprise Information and Records Management Program for the organization where I work.  Loved it, and now I am hooked. 

    I have a wealth of experience in program and service line development but this was one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences to date.  I am looking forward to connecting with those of you in this industry to share experiences and knowledge. 

    Sandra Bates
    Manager, Information and Records Management
    eHealth Saskatchewan

  • 5.  RE: Welcome to our WIIM Group - Please Introduce Yourself!

    Posted 02-16-2018 15:16
    ​Hi ladies,
      My name is Amy and I have been doing every acronym associated with IG for 20 years now.  I started in the telecom industry and have worked in oil and gas, pharma, medical, technology, federal and local government, utility, start ups, and participate in a few R&D technology driven think tanks. I enjoy evangelizing and taking IG to the masses and empowering organizations to do the proactive "right thing."  With that said, being a woman and coming more from the RIM side of the house in the beginning, I often find it hard to be taken seriously and get equal elbow room at the planning table with my IT counterparts.
    Warning - Girl Gripe Ahead:   I often find that when some men enter organizations in the EA or IG capacity their bravado and self promotion get them recognized where we as women are constantly having to rely on our work product to demonstrate our value and worth to the technology/ innovation side of the house.  It is a good think we do great work :-)

    In my spare time, I am a mom to four amazing kiddos ages 2 to 20, 2 dogs, 2 parakeets, and 3 chickens.  My husband and I are very much into environmental, educational, and equal parenting causes and do what we can to advocate and support such groups at the local and state levels.

    I look forward to hearing what you amazing ladies are doing in our field and building a positive supportive village in the process.

    Amy Harrelson
    Austin Energy

  • 6.  RE: Welcome to our WIIM Group - Please Introduce Yourself!

    Posted 02-21-2018 11:16
    ​I'm Adria Quinones and am a Business Analyst and Information Architect in the financial software industry (NYC). As a former cataloger and technical writer, I quickly made the leap from creating documentation to provisioning information. 

    I'm keenly interested in content management, information structure, metadata and search; ultimately, I want to connect my users to the information they need, no matter where in the organization it resides.

    Nice to meet you all!

    Adria Quinones
    Senior SharePoint Business Analyst

  • 7.  RE: Welcome to our WIIM Group - Please Introduce Yourself!

    Posted 02-23-2018 13:48
    Hello ladies, 

    I am Ola Fayemi, a professional records analyst with experience in managing paper and electronic records through classification, retention and disposition. I have managed records in difference industries ranging from healthcare, oil & gas and municipal. 

    With the ongoing changing in the world of information management, there is no better place to  keep abreast and connect but with WIIM.

    Ola Fayemi
    Records Analyst


  • 8.  RE: Welcome to our WIIM Group - Please Introduce Yourself!

    Posted 02-25-2018 14:08
    Hello, everyone!

    My name is Candace McCabe.  I am an Expert Information Systems Architect at JB Hunt Transport Services with responsibility for Information Governance and the liaison with our corporate legal department..  I have been with JBHT for 17 years in Information Management.  Around 2012, became involved in our Information Lifecycle Management program.  Since that time, I have take  on leadership of the program and expanded it to Information Lifecycle and Security Governance.  The program is now the single controlling area for lifecycle, security, privacy, and records management across the structured, semi-structured, and unstructured information landscape within the enterprise.  I earned my CIP certification this year and am beginning my journey with AIIM.

    I am looking forward to participating in this group as a means for networking and also encouraging other women to enter and remain in this field.  I am passionate about women in governance, technology, and security.  As a woman in the industry, I see the opportunities that women have in this male-dominated field and the challenges as well.

    I am also a board member on JBHT's Growing and Retaining Outstanding Women (GROW) women's employee resource group.  I would love to either contribute as a leader or a committee member within this organization.

    Candace McCabe
    JB Hunt Transport Services

  • 9.  RE: Welcome to our WIIM Group - Please Introduce Yourself!

    Posted 02-28-2018 18:32
    Greetings, ladies!

    I have just re-joined AIIM and so pleased to have learned of the WIIM Community!  

    Very happy to learn from you all and contribute to the community as much as I can.  Please include me in discussions and plans for leadership.  I won't be attending the AIIM Conference this year as I am in start-up mode for my own intelligent information services practice, so I hope to hear from those of you who will be present, and be looking to follow along with the tweets, hashtags, etc.

    I was an early adopter of collaboration and content web tools in 2000, and have continued down the path with knowledge management and library and information science.  My passion is to provide user accessibility and discoverability of enterprise information assets at the point of need in the workflows.  I'm always in learning mode, but eager to build deeper expertise in application of our ever evolving best practices and innovations.  I've worked in satellite telecommunications, international development and federal regulatory info environments.

    Is anyone out there reading Infonomics?  Would love to discuss if so, it just arrived today.

    Also very interested to know of folks who are applying text analytics to their environments.  

    Lastly, I'm curious about the group's experience with knowledge mapping tools/apps.  What do you like best about what you've used and what were the use cases where you applied this strategy?

    Thanks for reading my lengthy intro!!!  

    Warmest regards, 

    Liz McLean

    Elizabeth McLean

  • 10.  RE: Welcome to our WIIM Group - Please Introduce Yourself!

    Posted 03-01-2018 10:12
    Hi, my name is Connie Prendergast and I work for Flagstaff County in Alberta, Canada.

    Since 2014, I have been working towards taking our County office from a completely disorganized shared drive for electronic records, through implementation to a new system for ECM, development, testing, training, migration, quality control and now focusing on development of formal procedures, revamping our retention schedule, redesign of business processes, creating automated paperless processes, and developing the end-of-life cycle part of the electronic processes.  This has been a dream job for me and I have been enjoying it immensely!

    Looking forward to being a part of the discussions here.

    Connie Prendergast
    Records Management Clerk
    Flagstaff County
    Sedgewick, AB CANADA

  • 11.  RE: Welcome to our WIIM Group - Please Introduce Yourself!

    Posted 03-01-2018 10:45

    Good Morning-


    My name is Sandra Schreier.  For the last 17 years I have been working in some capacity or another in the Records & Information Governance function within my company.  Unfortunately, due to other obligations, I will not be attending this year's AIIM Conference.  One of the topics that I would like help with from this group surrounds management of retention schedules.  For instance for companies with a global records retention schedule, how do you stay abreast of legal and regulatory changes that impact your schedule?  If you receive notifications from a third party, does the third party maintain a tool that compiles and interprets information from a number of sources and condenses it into a report or notification relevant to your schedule, or is the information in a software solution that you access on your own?  If you perform the research in-house, what is your frequency and time spent for the research and review of the citations and what software or research tools are you using to stay apprised of the changes?


    I am very much looking forward to interacting with and learning from this community.  Thank you for allowing me to join and participate.


    With warmest regards-


    Abbott Logo

    Sandra Schreier

    Corporate Records


    200 Abbott Park Road

    Dept. 32CO, Bldg. J47

    Abbott Park, Illinois 60064


    +1 224-668-8352


    +1 224-668-4518


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  • 12.  RE: Welcome to our WIIM Group - Please Introduce Yourself!

    Posted 03-02-2018 09:37

    I work for a fund raising department in a large medical organization. ​I am fairly new to my role as an information manager. Most of what I know is self-taught. I am looking forward to going to the conference in April and learning a lot. I was an AIIM member back in the late 80's. I worked for a distributor of Kodak microfilm and there related equipment. We also processed and stored the films for many businesses, such as banks, hospitals and sales organizations. Times have really changed in the information management business.

    Julie Pavelko
    Campaign Information Specialist
    Mayo Clinic

  • 13.  RE: Welcome to our WIIM Group - Please Introduce Yourself!

    Posted 03-02-2018 10:34
    Sandra, really good questions about records retention and staying abreast of legal and regulatory changes, etc.  This topic is definitely of interest to me and I would love to see any responses that people might have for you.  You should start a conversation on the regular discussion site so that these questions don't get lost within this WIIM introduction post.  Please do and I will keep an eye out for it.

    Connie Prendergast
    Records Management Clerk
    Flagstaff County
    Sedgewick, AB CANADA

  • 14.  RE: Welcome to our WIIM Group - Please Introduce Yourself!

    Posted 03-02-2018 05:01
    Hello everyone,

    My name es Elisa Garcia-Morales,  I am the founder of Inforarea SL and I have worked as a consultant in Records & Information Governance for more than 25 years and I am passionate about it.   I have developed many projects in Spain and Latin America, in which I have had the opportunity to collaborate with great WIIM professionals. I really like this initiative and I would like to lead a link with other groups of women in the Latin Area.

    Nice to meet you all!

    Elisa Garcia-Morales
    Information and Records Management Consultant
    Inforarea, Madrid- Spain

  • 15.  RE: Welcome to our WIIM Group - Please Introduce Yourself!

    Posted 03-02-2018 09:19
    Good morning everyone!
    My name is Eren Thibadeau, and I've been a re-seller of Laserfiche Content management systems for over 15 years. We started by offering store and retrieve, and now offer turnkey ECM systems for companies throughout the Southeastern US. I've done everything from small scale conversions, to implementing million page conversions and re-engineering their information flow for major utility companies- in this space, we are finally getting to a place where we can "think outside of the docs" .

    Recently, I've been doing a lot more work with Women in IT and the entrepreneurial space, and understanding the culture of empowerment as opposed to competition. I'm interested in the barriers that women face in their upwards mobility, and especially how women create those barriers for other women, and how to change that. ( I do a lot of work on incorporating " Both/ And" phrases, as opposed to " Either/ Or" phrases. ).

    Because we operate in the frontiers of knowledge, often without boilerplate or status quo,  women in technology are uniquely poised to make a ripple through the workforce that can impact any woman, with any aspirations, regardless of their position. I look forward to being a part of this group and seeing how we can take it forward!

    Looking forward to San Antonio!

    Eren Thibadeau
    Atlanta, GA

    Eren Thibadeau
    Deau Information Services Company, Inc.
    d/b/a Deau Document Scanning Solutions

  • 16.  RE: Welcome to our WIIM Group - Please Introduce Yourself!

    Posted 03-03-2018 11:00
    Good afternoon everyone!

    I joined AIIM in 2012 after discovering they offered certification in Business Process Management (BPM) at a time when there was not much happening in this field around Europe. I decided to take the plunge after 12 years working as a Systems Analyst/Programmer and moved into the unknown world of process mapping, modelling and re-engineering! Six years on, I have established myself in London as a senior consultant in BPM and I am enjoying every single moment! I can highly recommend AIIM's BPM certification programme, having completed the Practitioner and Specialist levels; I hope to secure the Master's level in 2018/2019 (and visit Amsterdam!).

    Gifted with logic, creativity, intuition, common sense, fearlessness and vision, women are already 'tooled up' to work in this industry and I really hope to see more women join us :-)

    Have a super weekend!
    Cheers, Justine

    Justine Akers
    Director & Senior IT Consultant

  • 17.  RE: Welcome to our WIIM Group - Please Introduce Yourself!

    Posted 10-22-2018 17:20

    I've been in the IT industry since 2001. In 2015, I made the move from a user support role to records management which has been exciting and challenging at the same time. I've worked in the public school system and for a local government agency that provides electricity. 

    I am looking forward to deploying an ECM system in 2019 and am currently digitizing physical records that are considered permanent by Washington State Archives. I enjoy our community here at AIIM and look forward to working with you all. 

    Have a great day!

  • 18.  RE: Welcome to our WIIM Group - Please Introduce Yourself!

    Posted 11-15-2018 12:56
    Hi everyone!

    I am Brianna Boyle, Enterprise Content Management Analyst in the Financial Industry in Calgary, Alberta.  I started out in information management as a summer student three years ago and am now fully immersed and loving it! I am really excited to see where information management will take us as it evolves.

    I joined this network in hopes to gain guidance, learn more and network with other woman in this industry. 

    Excited to connect with everyone!

    Brianna Boyle