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Inspiring Reading for Women Leaders

  • 1.  Inspiring Reading for Women Leaders

    Posted 07-24-2018 12:46
    This list of reading for women leaders appeared in one of my social media feeds today. Wondering if any of you have read any of these, what you got from it, or where to start with the list? I'd love to hear your thoughts. These lists can be overwhelming sometimes, especially for a non-bookworm like me.


    Any other recommendations as we all compile/finalize our summer reading. First on my list is "The 5 Second Rule" by Mel Robbins, I heard her speak at an event and was really taken by the simple approach.

    I look forward to hearing your recommendations for the group.


    Georgina Clelland
    VP-Events, Membership and Professional Development

  • 2.  RE: Inspiring Reading for Women Leaders

    Posted 07-25-2018 09:33

    Courageous Counsel - Having worked for Michele Coleman Mayes, and found her to be one of the most fascinating and inspirational women that I have had the pleasure of working for, I had to read this one!  But it's a really interesting read.

    Courageous Counsel: Conversations with Women General Counsel in the Fortune 500

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    Courageous Counsel: Conversations with Women General Counsel in the Fortune 500
    This book is the first full account of the rise and growing clout of women general counsel at Fortune 500 companies. Through in-depth interviews, Courageous Counsel weaves together up-close-and-personal interviews with more than 50 women who have served as GCs at America's largest corporations or...
    View this on Amazon >

    Susan Gleason CIP, CRM, IGP
    Manager, Information Governance
    Shipman & Goodwin LLP

  • 3.  RE: Inspiring Reading for Women Leaders

    Posted 07-26-2018 15:50
    ​I listened to Lean In, and I really loved it.    (here are my thoughts from when I listened to this - wow, it was in 2015! - I enjoyed listening to this book. I appreciate Sheryl being so candid in sharing ... It really is okay to cry. I only caution readers to remember, it's okay to support men in the workplace (and at home too). Many of the things Sheryl attributed to women, guilt about our choices, feeling like we let our children down, not feeling we are doing well enough at work, often are also male feelings. I look forward to the day when we don't say female CEO, but just expect there are women CEOs (and everywhere else too). Women really can do it.)


    Angela Benford
    Systems Administrator
    City of Aurora Crime Lab

  • 4.  RE: Inspiring Reading for Women Leaders

    Posted 07-25-2018 10:12



    Thank you for sharing this list; my reading list just got longer! While not on the list, I found "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking"  by Susan Cain, to be enlightening and empowering. Those of us who may have 20 minutes to learn about her book and message may enjoy her TED Talk: https://www.ted.com/talks/susan_cain_the_power_of_introverts.


    Thank you and have a great day,



    Beatriz Collazo

    Records Officer


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  • 5.  RE: Inspiring Reading for Women Leaders

    Posted 07-30-2018 09:24
    ​I especially enjoyed "Mr Lincoln's T-Mails - How Abraham Lincoln used the telegraph to win the Civil War" by Tom Wheeler.  There is so much relevance, especially for us in technology/information management, of how communication via the telegraph is so similar to that of the e-mail.  Where, sight unseen, the written word, tone, etc. can be misunderstood, misinterpreted and may also be precisely timely. 
    Mr. Lincoln's T-Mails: How Abraham Lincoln Used the Telegraph to Win the Civil War
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    Mr. Lincoln's T-Mails: How Abraham Lincoln Used the Telegraph to Win the Civil War
    The Paperback of the Mr. Lincoln's T-Mails: How Abraham Lincoln Used the Telegraph to Win the Civil War by Tom Wheeler at Barnes & Noble. FREE Shipping
    View this on Barnes & Noble >

    Linda Avetta
    Digital Archives and Records Division Chief
    Commonwealth of PA - Pennsylvania State Archives

  • 6.  RE: Inspiring Reading for Women Leaders

    Posted 08-15-2018 18:34

    Thank you so much for mentioning the "5 Second Rule".  I just finished reading it and have already seen an improvement in my life.  No more snooze button for me!

    Reese Evenson, CIP
    Corporate Records Administrator

  • 7.  RE: Inspiring Reading for Women Leaders

    Posted 08-16-2018 16:12
    I need this! I hit snooze for an hour this morning! Will look into it. Thanks!

    Jessica Lombardo
    Director of Membership

  • 8.  RE: Inspiring Reading for Women Leaders

    Posted 08-17-2018 11:46

    Read the book and continue to use Mel's tips. It is so simple ... 5/4/3/2/1... get moving. Days I want to stand back, I find myself reciting these words and I just do it.


    I subscribe to her weekly messages – Take 5 with Mel Robbins.  If you are interested, check her out.


    Make today magical.


    Take care,



    image001Colleen Moretti| Partner

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  • 9.  RE: Inspiring Reading for Women Leaders

    Posted 08-20-2018 13:58
    Jess, I just ordered the 5-second Rule not only for myself but because I have 3 teenagers who don't want to hit the snooze button.  I will share my review with you.  :) Lori Nelson

    Lori Nelson
    Rise Against Hunger

  • 10.  RE: Inspiring Reading for Women Leaders

    Posted 08-21-2018 08:58

    Just ordered this book as well, looking forward to reading it!



    Sue Bennett, AINS, CIP

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  • 11.  RE: Inspiring Reading for Women Leaders

    Posted 10-05-2018 11:24
    ​Does anyone have a good book recommendation on Strategic Thinking and/or Strategic Planning?


    Reese Evenson
    Corporate Records Administrator

  • 12.  RE: Inspiring Reading for Women Leaders

    Posted 10-10-2018 10:24
    @Reese Evenson - not specifically on strategic strategy but moreso for understanding how to identify purpose and organize around, check out Principles by Ray Dalio. Some of feels re-hashed, but I get that feeling with a lot of books of this nature. Perhaps to my own determent, I skim most of them using the app Blinklist.

    We're also hosting a member VIP Lounge on user adoption--which you could be interested in. In addition to their story and recommendations , the member is sharing a list of book reviews as well during session--check them out here.

    Hopefully this is somewhat helpful!

    Jessica Lombardo
    Director of Membership

  • 13.  RE: Inspiring Reading for Women Leaders

    Posted 10-18-2018 13:54
    @Jessica Lombardo Thanks for the recommendation for the app!

    I caught bits and pieces of the ​VIP lounge this morning, do you have a link to the book list that doesn't require logging in to Microsoft?


    Jaime Cotter

  • 14.  RE: Inspiring Reading for Women Leaders

    Posted 10-19-2018 09:21
      |   view attached
    @Jaime Cotter -- yes, let me attach @Robert Bogue User Adoption book review list in our WIIM community too. If others are interested in the VIP Lounge recording, check it out in our member library. ​​

    Jessica Lombardo
    Director of Membership


  • 15.  RE: Inspiring Reading for Women Leaders

    Posted 10-19-2018 14:45

    I'm a newbie to the group but found this string intriguing. I just started reading "Dare to Lead" by Brene Brown and am loving it so far. Not specific to this industry but the ideas are universal and very actionable regardless of where you are in your career.


    Jennifer Watters Farley
    Manager of Records & Information Management
    Ropes & Gray LLP