Thanks for sharing this article Betsy. The title "Federal CIOs need help with legacy-to-cloud transition" reminds me of similar stories from our industry. The following quote also rings a bell for me coming from the oil & gas industry: "Increasingly, CIOs have been looking at a modular, agile model for developing software and applications and shifting away from what's sometimes called the "big-bang" mode, where agencies embark on complex, multi-phase projects that are prone to cost overruns, blown deadlines and often results in a subpar final product."
Do others agree with this? How do you think "we" in the Oil & gas industry are doing with regards to transistioning from legacy to cloud?
Dennie Heye
AIIM Oil & Gas SIG Leader
Original Message:
Sent: 06-03-2016 12:23
From: Betsy Fanning, CIP
Subject: TRans
Here is a link to a CIO magazine article that I thought might be of benefit to the SIG. While this is a little specific to the Federal Government, I believe there may be some of this that is applicable to the Oil and Gas Industry. Let's discuss this in the discussion thread.
Betsy Fanning, CIP
Director, Standards